
Showing posts from March, 2010

Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Knoxx is the third piece of delicious DLC for Borderlands.  It picks up after the main game's lackluster ending.  The Crismon Lance has arrived on Pandora in full force.  You've been branded as fugitives and must help a rogue agent take down the army before they destroy Pandora. Like the Dr. Ned expansion, an entirely new area has been added as well as 44 brand new quests.  The level cap has been raised to 61 along with new gear to compliment your higher levels.  A raid boss has also been added in the form of Crawmerax.  He's a level 64 pain in the ass that drops enough goodies to satisfy even the most loot hungry players. The story takes everything I loved about Borderlands and fleshes it out that much more.  There is so much to do and interact with that you'll never get bored.  All of my favorite NPCs make a return and bring their unique charm with them. The only downside is that there are no fast travel stations outside of the main city, ...

Help me get dismembered!

I don't ask much of you (except to lavish praise on me constantly) but I recently submitted some work for the Dead Space 2 contest.  What I need you and everyone you know to do is vote for my entry daily on facebook.  Link is here: Dead Space 2 contest If I win, you'll get to see me die a horrible and painful death in game.  Help me out folks and thanks in advance!

Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot

The second DLC for Borderlands pits players in a coliseum against hordes of enemies with little chance of survival.  The premise is simple enough, survive.  There are five waves to each round and five rounds in the lower levels.  The upper levels boast 20 rounds each.  Clear your schedule for the day if you plan on taking them on. Waves follow a pattern: 1.  Starter wave 2.  Gun wave 3.  Horde wave (they're coming to eat ya!  om nom nom) 4.  Badass wave 5.  Boss wave Upon completing the boss wave, you have 10 seconds to grab the weapons spawned under Moxxi's platform.  To date, I have yet to find anything useful.  As you progress through the rounds, random rules are put in place such as lower gravity, enemies have more health, and players losing their shields.  The more rounds that are completed, the more rules are added. Beyond Underdome, there is a hub where you can browse the vending machines and a newly adde...

Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned

Dr. Ned was the first piece of dlc released for Borderlands.  It involves the vault hunters traveling to the far off land of Jakob's Cove to survive a zombie apocalypse in order to stop a mad doctor.  The doctor in question is Dr. Ned (who is totally not Dr. Zed from the main game) and he seems to be the only person left alive. From the moment you load into the island, there is a much needed breath of fresh air from the barren wastes of Pandora.  Everything is covered in a fantastic layer of gloom and the overall ambiance reeks of spooky greatness.  Giant trees loom over everything and the moon is the only source of light as you make your way through the zombie infestation.  There is an air of desolation which is appropriate as the only live npc you'll meet is Dr. Ned.    There are 20 new missions to play through and a Clap Trap that can be rescued on each play through, granting the player six more slots in their back pack.  Enemies ...


Sometimes, when I’m all alone at night, I think to myself “What would make a great console game?” A MMO of course! Something where you can group up with friends and explore a massive world as you do quests and get new gear! If only someone could bring the feeling of playing a MMORPG to a console. What’s that? They did that back in October of 2009? Gearbox took every idea I had and turned it into a reality. Borderlands is a game where you and three of your friends can group up to tackle the quests and monsters of the planet Pandora. Along the way you’ll gain levels and find all kinds of ways to kill your enemies with randomly generated guns. You start off as one of four characters, with each one representing a different class. Mordecai is the hunter who specializes with sniper rifles and can attack enemies with his hawk like pet. Lilith is your siren who acts as an assassin or buffer/controller. Roland is of the soldier class and surprisingly can act as the healer and support backb...

The Rendezvous


The hunt begins




My Shanoa


You're welcome.


Never Knows Best


Kirby's Dream Land


Link is a poor house guest


General Knoxx is a pain in the ass.

I keep trying to play through the Secret Armory of General Knoxx, but the game keeps bugging and I can't finish the quests.  It's happened to my siren on both play throughs!  Apparently the only way to finish it now is to join someone's game while they're doing it.  Hopefully this gets patched soon.

Borderlands: Claptrap web series episode 2

Borderlands: Claptrap web series episode 1

Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape

Capcom released another piece of DLC last week, Desperate Escape.  It covers the story of Jill and Josh after Chris' confrontation with Wesker in the temple.  Josh finds an unconcious Jill Valentine and informs her that he has a chopper waiting to get them out of Dodge.  Before they can leave, Jill has to get a message off to Chris about Wesker.  This is the new Resident Evil.  It is also Resident Evil at its absolute worst.  Capcom is treading a path that I'm going to stop following soon.  It was originally a survival horror series.  This fifth entry has done away with the horror all together and turned it into a full fledged action game.  Capcom already makes a a few action games, they do not need to turn Resident Evil into another one.  The entire DLC takes little over a half hour to complete and is a non stop gun fight.  It's a frantic run from start to finish with plenty of mini bosses to take out along the way.  It play...

Fuddrucker's build your own

Restaurant: Fuddrucker's Location: Brookfield, WI Burger: Build your own Ingredients: Cheddar cheese, tomato slices, diced onions, shredded lettuce Verdict: Fuddrucker's offers a unique experience in that they only prep your burger and the cheese on top.  The rest is up to you.  I picked the number one and within a few minutes my half pound burger was ready.  Walking over to the toppings station, I was quite inpressed by the variety and the freshness of the items.  I decided to top mine with the ingredients listed above and drizzel it with a honey mustard and ketchup combo.  What I noticed first was how sweet it tasted.  The tomatoes were the epitome of fresh and the diced onions complimented them in every way.  The meat was rich and full of flavor and cooked to near perfection.  It was juicy without being greasy and held the pile of toppings thrown onto it without issue of falling apart. On the side:  Seasoned potato wedges...

Demon Babies




The not so great escape


Captain Dildo


Aion releases ver 1.9 patch notes

While these patch notes are for the Korean version of the game and not the NA version, there are plenty of changes that players have been asking for.  I'm particularly excited that now when I run an instance, I'm guaranteed that loot will drop.  I'm happy to see NC Soft communicating more with the player base.  Full list here: Aion 1.9 patch notes

Achievments in gaming

Until 1999, I was a very causual gamer.  Hell, I wouldn't have even considered myself a gamer.  It was something to do when I was done with homework and there was nothing on TV.  I owned a NES, SNES, and N64, but I didn't own more than 10 games per system.  It wasn't until I saw a commercial for Final Fantasy VIII that I was truly excited for a game.  I purchased everything that had a hint of information.  I sat in awe each time I saw a trailer on TV or at the movies.  When release day finally came around, I went out and purchased it.  It was an overcast day and I had french toast with milk that morning.  I did all of this and I didn't even own a Playstation.  It took bartering and the loss of presents for my birthday and Christmas, but I did get one.  That was when gaming became something more to me. From that opening cinematic to the finale, I had experienced something profound.  This was the first ...

Fair Play


Holy suck Batman!


Single Player Multiplayer

I have noticed a trend in games lately.  Well, I should say it isn't in games lately.  What I'm referring to is the lack of multiplayer.  Sure, most games flaunt the ability to connect and play with millions of users across the globe, but what about the person sitting next to you on the couch?  It seems that while most games have a multiplayer mode, it is designed for only one player.  What happened to splitscreen play?  I'll use Aliens vs Predator as an example.  I was absolutely positive this game would have a local multiplayer.  A generic 2-4 player deathmatch.  It would be absurd for a game such as this to not include this obvious feature.  Yet, it turned out to be a single player experience through and through.  From the story to the online component, it's a singular experience.  Why?  What reason could there have been for excluding splitscreen play? I recently purchased Borderlands and was thrilled to s...

It's True


A Heroic Trap




Forbidden Pleasures
