Borderlands and the goons that inhabit it
I love me some Borderlands, that's no secret. But there's a stipulation with that. I usually only play solo or split screen with my girlfriend. Now, you may ask, "Why don't you play online with everyone else?" Well, put simply, 90% of the Borderlands community (for 360) are cheaters. The very large majority of people I have played with break the game to the point where it isn't even fun to play anymore. They give their characters extra levels and talent points outside the normal amount (Level cap at this writing is 61, going up to 69 shortly and players are running around at 70). They have modified guns that kill anything with one shot. They have shields that can't be broken. They use talent point generators to fill out their talent trees. It goes on and on. What astounds me, is that I'm the weird one because I dont' want any of these perks. "Why wouldn't I?", you may inquire. Well, I play games ...