
Showing posts from March, 2011

Breaking Games: Fable Economy

My friend over at Sapper Woody just put up a fantastic guide to breaking the economy in Fable.  Follow his tricks and your character will have more money than he/she will know what to do with. Link:

Check this out!

My friend started up this new, totally awesome site!  Check it out at: /end shameless plug

Oh Fuck, Zombies!!!

The greatest choose your own adventure I've ever read. Click to play:

App of the Week: TWiT

For an IT professional, staying up to date is critical.  In this day and age, so much is being updated and new technologies are constantly being revealed.  To sit and read about every new thing that is happening would take hours.  That's where the fine folks at TWiT come in. TWiT is a network of podcasts produced by IT's leading pros.  From home theaters to the latest processor reveal, they cover it all.  Best of all, it's done in a very entertaining fashion. Upon opening the app, you're presented with a "Highlights" column.  At the top is a category labeled "Discover Shows" that will recommend shows to you based on what you've recently viewed.    Beneath that is a listing of the shows as they've been released.  Swipe left and there are your favorites.  Below that, your viewing/listening history.  Swipe left again and all of the shows are displayed on stunning individual tiles.  At the bottom of that is a button that allows...

App of the Week - Halo Waypoint

Halo Waypoint is something I didn't see much use for when I first got my Windows Phone.  None the less, I downloaded it.  Now at the time, I enjoyed Halo, but wasn't a fanatic.  Because of this, I didn't give it a fair shake.  What happened as a result was my missing a fantastic app.  One I use almost on a daily basis now. Halo Waypoint is located under the Xbox Live tile.  Upon launcing it and looking at a very stylish background, the app syncs your Xbox Live account.  You're then greeted by a column with all the latest news relating to the world of Halo.  This includes videos that load within seconds of clicking play.  Swipe right and you're presented with your personal service record.  This includes your personal rating and every stat imaginable relating to your Halo career.  Plus there's a very snazzy photo of your SPARTAN from Reach.  Swipe right again and you're presented with a section called Intel.  This contains...

Marvel vs Capcom 3

Waiting 12 years for a sequel is a hard thing.  Ask any fan of Duke Nukem.  Unlike Duke Nukem, the Marvel vs Capcom series has aged relatively well.  It's still a tournament staple and was released last year on Xbox Live and Playstation Network.  The big question many asked when MvC3 was announced was, "Do we need another MvC?"  My first question was, "When can I buy it?" With the smash hit that Street Fighter IV became, it seemed like an obvious move for the Capcom giant to breath new life into another series (When can I expect a new Darkstalkers?).  Applying the 2D 3D design with the extravagant colors and hint of cel-shading is the perfect visual for a game that has super-powered individuals beating each other senseless.  Everything is fast and fluid with plenty of seizure inducing flashes from the character specials and attacks. Much like the past two entries, each character has three variants for special attacks and tag in attacks. ...

Dead Space 2 Entry

Isaac was working his way down an alley.  It was the middle of the night.  The clouds obscured what little moonlight there was.  It didn’t matter as his helmet had night vision built in.  It bathed the world in an eerie green glow, but allowed him to survive when others had stumbled blindly into the clawed arms of death.  He was heading towards the space port.  Hopefully there would be a ship that he could salvage so he could get off this miserable planet. Just then, something moved in his peripheral vision.  He stopped and checked his weapon.  The clip was fresh and the safety was off.  He did a quick scan of the alley as he inched forward.  There were dumpsters lined along the wall on his left and garbage strewn everywhere.  Isaac could see the end of the alley 20 meters ahead.  He picked up his pace when something fell from the roof in front of him. It screamed and slammed into him with enough impact to knock the wind out ...

Dead Space 2: Severed

Severed is the first piece of DLC to hit for Dead Space 2.  It's refreshing to see support come in the form of something other than costume and weapon packs.  Severed acts as a stand alone campaign. Severed picks up after the events of Dead Space: Extraction.  Gabe and Lexine are now married and living on the Sprawl.  Life seems to be perfect for the two until shit hits the fan, as it tends to do in the Dead Space universe.  At the start, we find Gabe working security and down in the mines.  The entire objective over the two chapter story is to reunite Gabe and Lexine. There are a few major twists and turns and at the end, I found myself caring about these characters just as much as I did for Isaac.  Not to hint toward spoilers, but the ending left me wanting more in a very good way. Severed plays out much like the second half of Dead Space, being very action packed in its content.  There are a few hair raising moments, but not as many as are...

App of the Week: Wikipedia

Put mildly, I am addicted to Wikipedia.  Ever since I was young, I have loved random bits of useless trivia.  Finally, one day, years ago I discovered the nirvana that is Wikipedia.  Since acquiring my phone in November, I have spent plenty of time with the browser version of Wikipedia.  While this is fine and dandy, there had to be something better.  Indeed there was. Wikipedia is a free app that is smart, simple, and effective.  Upon launching, a search bar appears.  Type something in and boom, there it is in convenient web browsing form.  Back on the home page, next to the search bar, is a favorites tab that displays your recent searches.  There's nothing more and nothing less.  It is the closest I've come to finding the perfect app.   So if you love having access to the near endless trove of data that Wikipedia has to offer and you happen to have a Windows Phone, then you can do no better.  

Google Chrome vs Internet Explorer 9

I am very adverse to change.  I am an old man in a 26 year old body.  I have been using Internet Explorer as my default browser since I started using computers.  From the days of Windows 95 to the latest beta candidate for Internet Explorer 9, I've been Microsoft's slave. When IE9's beta was first released, I downloaded it immediately.  It was sleek, fast, and easy on the eyes.  It took some of the best elements from other browsers, like Chrome's popular pages appearing when you opened a new tab.  The entire UI was cleaned up and simplified, making browsing a dream.  I began using it at work first, and it was a wonderful first date.  But then, I brought IE9 home and things got ugly. I said to IE9, "C'mon baby, let's get you into something more comfortable." as I installed the browser on my personal machine.    With a lecherous smile, I fired the browser up.  I took it through a few test paces, checking my email, browsing a few o...

Return of the King

First sketch in roughly a year.  Many more will follow.

Dead Space 2

Picking up shortly after the events of the original, Dead Space 2 finds Isaac Clarke on a space station orbiting Saturn called The Sprawl. Isaac was rescued after escaping the Ishimura and is currently being held in a mental facility. Needless to say, things go to Hell pretty quick. Is the terror as potent the second time around? Not much has changed as far as the game play goes, but this isn’t a bad thing. Dead Space was one of the very few games where I didn’t have to struggle with the controls and everything felt completely natural. What does change is very welcome. Isaac now has more control in zero-G, with his suits now equipped with boosters that allow for free movement. In addition, the frustrating turret sections are gone, putting all the tension where it belongs: surviving the Necromorph hordes. Isaac has upgrades available to him, much like the first game. Collecting nodes and filling in the grids is necessary to surviving the end game. Instead of finding upgrades to jus...

App of the Week: PC Remote for Windows 7 Phone

PC Remote is a free app that provides a basic remote control for your PC.  It's very simple to get up and running once you've installed the app and downloaded the software to your PC.  Once you've run the installed software, a pop-up will appear with your PC's name and IP address.  You'll enter these settings on the phone and within seconds you're controlling your PC via phone. You have very basic features with the app; a keyboard, mouse, Windows Media Center, and Windows Media Player controller.  The mouse is pretty laggy and at one time the signal was lost.  Overall it works well enough for me not to complain, especially since it's a free app.  Plus it's made watching Hulu and Netflix in bed a whole lot more enjoyable now that I don't have to get up at the end of the movie. I would love to see an update that integrates the Zune.  But much like the fabled update or update to the update, I'm not holding my breath.  PC Remote

What do we see when we die?

Sometimes, I'm floating through space.  My mind drifts off and I see the stars surrounding me.  I'm finally free in the dark abyss.  I sail through celestial bodies, their vibrant bodies providing the only color to my existence.  I feel nothing.  I smell nothing.  I hear nothing.  My tongue lies still and my face resembles that of a corpse.  No longer am I tied to the petty concerns of life.  I glimpse eternity and float onward. 

March 2011 Release Calendar

March 1: Vagrant Story (PSN) Man vs Wild  (Wii) PixelJunk Shooter 2  (PS3) Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2-Retribution  (PC) Chuck E. Cheese's Sprts Games  (Wii) Rango: The Video Game  (DS, Wii, 360) Rift  (PC) Dead Space 2: Severed  (PS3, 360) Fable 3: Traitor's Keep  (360) March 2: Beyond Good and Evil HD  (360) March 4: Fortresscraft  (360) March 6: Pokemon Black/White  (DS) March 8: Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII  (Wii, 360) Zany Golf  (Wii) Dragon Age 2  (360, PC, PS3) YooStar 2  (360, PS3) God Eater Burst  (PSP) Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle  (PSP) Atari's Greatest Hits Volume 2  (DS) The $1,000,000 Pyramid  (Wii) Major League Baseball 2K11  (PS2, PSP, DS, PS3, PC, Wii, 360) MLB 11: The Show  (PS2, PSP) Petz: Bunny Bunch  (DS) March 9: Torchlight (360) March 14: Liight  (Wii) March 15: Okamiden  (DS) PhotoWo...