Destiny 2 Hotfix



  • Astral Alignment 
    • Fixed an issue where the Ether Collection encounter could soft lock when all Ether Wisps were destroyed. 
    • Fixed an issue where objects could be removed when players left the activity while carrying them, which would soft lock the activity. 


  • Vault of Glass 
    • Fixed an issue where Atheon would sometimes summon an invisible barrier to block Guardians from entering the Vault of Glass. 



  • Fixed an issue where the "pre-order" text string for 30th Anniversary wrapped and overlapped the title in Japanese, Polish, and Russian. 
    • Other localization fixes for Japanese and Polish. Russian will be fixed in Hotfix 
  • Fixed an issue where the description of Top Tree Dawnblade mentioned “Sliding” instead of “Gliding” in German. 
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not discard Solstice key fragments. 
  • Players who may have remaining Solstice key fragments can now dismantle the entire stack from their inventory screen. 
  • Incoming and outgoing Bungie friends toasts no longer play before character selection. 
  • Fixed an issue where some Roster screens would not consistently indicate when you have blocked a player on your Bungie Friends list. 



  • Fixed an issue preventing players from changing the armor energy type of Lucky Pants. 
  • Actually changed the cost of Global Reach to three energy. 
  • Fixed an issue causing the Fire and Ice artifact mod to spawn fewer Wells than intended. 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Season 15 Iron Banner armor sets and the new Exotic armor pieces from taking shaders. 
  • Corrected the insertion cost of the Linear Fusion Rifle Targeting mod in the artifact to be 500 Glimmer like other mods. 
  • Fixed an issue causing the 2021 Solstice Eververse Hunter arms ornaments to not be visible in the list of ornaments. 
  • Fixed an issue causing the new Shards of Galanor Exotic armor ornament to improperly display colors. 
  • Fixed an issue causing Radiant Dance Machines to trigger armor mods and Stasis Fragments more often than intended. 
  • Fixed an issue causing the Fusion Rifle Scavenger artifact mod to use old perks, allowing players to gain Heavy ammo when picking up Special ammo bricks. 
  • Fixed an issue where Promethium Spur would not spawn additional combination Rifts after the first one. 


  • Lorentz Driver will no longer apply a navpoint to players in the Crucible that are selected as targets. 
    • Targeted players will still have the red glow on their biped and will still drop telemetry patterns when killed. 
    • This change does not affect the targeting behavior for PvE combatants. 
  • Added Iron Banner perks into the possible trait rolls for Peacebond and Forge's Pledge. 
    • Peacebond can now roll Iron Reach. 
    • Forge's Pledge can roll Iron Grip. 


  • Fixed an issue where specific Stasis crystals were dealing an additional instance of detonation damage against players. 


  • Cross Play voice chat has been enabled
    • Some communication privacy settings are still not working as intended for Xbox players
      • Xbox players will still hear voice and receive invites from anyone even if privacy settings are set to friends or in-game friends only.
      • Xbox players will still be able to hear other Xbox players who are in their fireteam even if that player is on their mute list.

The Witch Queen Pre-Order Incentive 

  • Fixed an issue where the "Lucidity" Witch Queen pre-order emblem was not showing up in players' emblem collections. 
    • It should automatically appear in the collection for all players who have pre-ordered now. 
