Have a question? There's an answer.
Q: What does ZeroAnd09 mean?
A: It started in my first year of college. I was new to the internet then. So when time came to pick a screen name, all of my favorites were taken. So I started to look around my room. Pinned to my bulletin board was a check from my first job for nine cents. It was some accounting error on their part and they felt the need to mail me a check six months after I left. Ever since then, Zero and 09/100 has just kind of stuck.
Q: You've posted that you've maintained a site since 2004. Yet the posts on this site only date back to 2008 and there's not a whole lot of content. What's the deal?
A: I started the original site as a portfolio, so it didn't see updates for months. When the format changed, updates were still few and far between. You could say I hadn't found my passion yet. It started to pick up steam with the comics, but I wasn't enjoying them so much. So when I took up residence here full time, I went through my meager portions and deleted what I didn't think fit all that well. There's still some content way in the back that is nothing but gibberish, but 70% of my old site's content will never see the light of day again.
Q: I saw a spelling/grammatical error!
A: The chief of the grammar police revoked my badge years ago because I like to play it fast and loose with the English language.
Q: How long have you been gaming?
A: Ever since I can remember. My first memory of playing a game is Excite Bike for the NES. Since then, I've owned at least one console per generation. I wasn't really passionate about it until 1999. When Final Fantasy VIII hit, my world changed forever.
Q: Have you written anything else that I would know of?
A: Why yes! I published my first book, A Darker Romance, in 2011. I'm also the lead Reviews Editor at Gaming Climax.
Q: What does ZeroAnd09 mean?
A: It started in my first year of college. I was new to the internet then. So when time came to pick a screen name, all of my favorites were taken. So I started to look around my room. Pinned to my bulletin board was a check from my first job for nine cents. It was some accounting error on their part and they felt the need to mail me a check six months after I left. Ever since then, Zero and 09/100 has just kind of stuck.
Q: You've posted that you've maintained a site since 2004. Yet the posts on this site only date back to 2008 and there's not a whole lot of content. What's the deal?
A: I started the original site as a portfolio, so it didn't see updates for months. When the format changed, updates were still few and far between. You could say I hadn't found my passion yet. It started to pick up steam with the comics, but I wasn't enjoying them so much. So when I took up residence here full time, I went through my meager portions and deleted what I didn't think fit all that well. There's still some content way in the back that is nothing but gibberish, but 70% of my old site's content will never see the light of day again.
Q: I saw a spelling/grammatical error!
A: The chief of the grammar police revoked my badge years ago because I like to play it fast and loose with the English language.
Q: How long have you been gaming?
A: Ever since I can remember. My first memory of playing a game is Excite Bike for the NES. Since then, I've owned at least one console per generation. I wasn't really passionate about it until 1999. When Final Fantasy VIII hit, my world changed forever.
Q: Have you written anything else that I would know of?
A: Why yes! I published my first book, A Darker Romance, in 2011. I'm also the lead Reviews Editor at Gaming Climax.