Tomb Raider E3 Crossroads Trailer
It's been years since Tomb Raider has made an impact on the gaming community. Most would say that Nathan Drake of the Uncharted series has stolen Lara's thunder. Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix look to reclaim the adventure throne with a gritty reboot of the Tomb Raider series.
Lara is no longer the sexual, gun-toting angel of archaeology. We find that she is a vulnerable girl who is more than capable of being hurt. In fact, it seems that the game will exploit this fact with a lot of abuse thrown Lara's way. I worry that Crystal Dynamics' attempt to show Lara as a more human and fragile character may be misinterpreted as excessive abuse towards women. In this trailer alone, Lara takes an excessive amount of physical abuse and has a brief run-in with a would be rapist. It's definitely a new game for more mature audiences.
It's been a number of years since I've even looked at a Tomb Raider game. The last I played was Tomb Raider Chronicles for the Dreamcast back in 2000. By then, the series had already grown stale and was in dire need of reworking. This reboot looks to give a much needed injection of life into the faltering series. It may not be a day one purchase, but for a series that I haven't played in 12 years, the new entry looks like a must have.